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  • dantoparcianu
    a adaugat o postare
    18/11/2014 00:38

    Avand in vedere ca saraca nu a mai vazut de vreo 2 ani decat ceara de protectie,am zis sa intampinam iarna cu ceva in plus si anume:
    prespalare, spalare ambele cu sampon cu ph neutru, curatare jante int ext, aparatori nori, curatare finisaje, decontaminare lac, indepartare bitum, protectie lac, dressing anvelope, tratament hidrofob geamuri.

    Considering that poverty not seen for about two years than protective wax, I said to welcome winter with something extra, namely:
    prewash, wash both shampoo with ph neutral cleaning ext int wheels, fenders clouds finishes cleaning, decontamination lake, asphalt removal, lake protection, tire dressing, hydrophobic glass treatment

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    • Anton
      Anton - Frumos!
        0  |  20/11/2014 18:41 | Raspunde